Yesterday (which really started the day before yesterday) was one of the longest days I've had yet. I'm working in the NICU this month and I'm extremely sleep-deprived, so I'm going to be brief. In fact, I think bullet format will suffice.
- Monday, 0530: Woke up late, threw on my clothes, packed my lunch, and grabbed the trash to place on the curb. Halfway to the hospital, realized I had accidentally left my lunch with the trash. Not a great start to the day.
- 0615: Arrived fashionably late for sign-out (that's when residents change shifts). Apologized profusely and sank in my shoes, feeling like the worst intern ever.
- 0700-1230: Rounded on patients, hurriedly wrote notes, ran to the call room to change into my uniform for continuity clinic.
- 1245: Left late for continuity clinic, which is across town at a different hospital. Drove my little Civic Si like a race car and STILL got to clinic late. Had enough time to grab a corndog for lunch. It was disgusting.
- 1300-1600: Had continuity clinic. One no-show, one left without being seen because as always I was running late. Again felt like the worst intern ever.
- 1615: Headed back to Wilford Hall for call. Grabbed snacks and Red Bull from the BX. Ran to the call room and changed out of uniform back into scrubs (now on clothing change #3 of the day). Got to sign-out JUST in time.
- 1700: Began my wonderful night of call. Attempted to work on discharge stuff for one of my babies, but kept being interrupted by my pager.
- 1800-midnight: Don't even remember what I did, but I was busy.
- Now Tuesday, 0200: Decided to try to get a quick nap; went to the call room and fell into the bed. Set my alarm for 0400 thinking that would be plenty of time to gather numbers, write notes, etc.
- 0400: Stumbled back to the NICU and starting writing down vital signs.
- 0430: Paged for twin delivery. Headed to the delivery room, felt like absolute crap. Head was hurting, mind was still asleep, stomach writhing a little from all the candy I ate on call.
- 0530: Finished writing notes and orders for new twin babies; returned to NICU to collect data. Started putting data into computer for day team.
- 0600: Day team arrived; NOT done with my work. Gave a crappy sign-out, and ran off to see my patients before rounds. Again, worst intern ever.
- 0715: Informed that we had the ferret lab. Went to the call room to change out of scrubs and into PT gear (you can't walk to the lab in scrubs). Note: this is clothing change #4. Walked to the lab with coffee in hand... running on adrenaline and Seattle's Best at this point. Changed out of PT gear and into another set of scrubs (change #5). Lab was pretty cool, despite the fact that I had now been awake for almost 24 hours straight. I got to intubate two ferrets, and I was succesful on my first attempt on each. Not bad, if I say so myself. Hehe. Changed back into PT gear (change #6) and walked briskly back to the hospital.
- 0900: Changed back into original set of scrubs (change #7) and headed to the NICU to finish seeing patients/writing notes.
-0930-1200: Rounded on patients, finished work. Drank more coffee. Tried to finish up work, but was told to leave (after 30 hours we "turn into pumpkins" - we have to leave in order to avoid breaking work hour regulations).
- 1215: Changed back into PT gear (change #8) and headed to the library to kill time before my dental appointment. Almost fell asleep at the keyboard.
- 1330: Went to dental clinic. Had probably the most painful filling placed EVER. Almost gagged on my saliva as the dental assistant sat there with the suction device stuck to the inside of my cheek instead of suctioning the back of my throat. Tried to say "I'm gagging" but it came out "I hahheen".
- 1430: Left the dental clinic wanting to cry from the pain. Called my sister and complained. Went home and sat on the couch moaning. Spent the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself.
And that was my 33-hour day. I didn't eat breakfast or lunch (unless you can count a nasty corndog). I changed 8 times. I resuscitated 2 babies, intubated 2 ferrets, and had a cavity filled. Did I mention I feel like the worst intern ever?
Now I gotta get to bed so the craziness can continue tomorrow.